Monday, December 24, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Day 365

Well folks, this is the final Gratitude of 365 Returns.......I have held off writing this one as I wanted to take some time with it.
First and foremost, I am Grateful for this early am to start this one and my pup is leaning on me, wanting me to rub her belly with my feet and this makes me laugh and smile......what an epic way to start the day!

I am very Grateful to have had the ability and platform to do this project again.  When I think back upon the year and all the truly wonderful little things like the above and the big things that we have to be Grateful for, it warms my heart.

If you wrap it all up in a bow and look at the common denominators of Gratitude, in my opinion, it boils down to family, friends, community and nature..........all of the little and big things usually start with that.

The little things grow into the big things........maybe my next project will be working on my smallstepsbigthings blog.

I would be remiss if I did not say I am Grateful to amazon for giving me more time to do stuff like this and less time to be out getting life’s necessities, google for providing the blog platform and access to infinite information, apple for the ease of use device to type on and connect and take amazing pictures with my phone (those may seem like stupid things to be grateful for, however, I have found them instrumental in traversing through and making life easier, more accessible, approachable, fun and providing a world of opportunities and connections at ones fingertips)
These have all made it possible to allow me on a broader scale to keep in touch with family, friends, community and nature :-)

This 365 Days have seen so many great things have happened.......I am Grateful for them all :):):)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 364

This makes me so sad that we have one day left of 365 .........  However I am also Grateful to have seen this project through and had the opportunity to start my days with Gratitude.  It has been shown that Gratitude has a positive effect on attitude and life........I would agree!
I am Grateful for this wonderful and much needed rain we are getting :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 363

Well this is so weird.......Day 363, almost to the end of the Returns Gratitude and so much still to be grateful for.
This am I am Grateful for good cases yesterday and hangin with great peeps! Followed by a nice night at home with dinner, relaxation and early to bed :)

Monday, December 3, 2018

Saturday, December 1, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 360

5 more days left.........I am Grateful for a most beautiful Sartuday with clear air from the rain, cool and crisp November, fountain trickling and a quiet am.  getting ready to go for a run :)

Friday, November 30, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 359

Less than a week left of 365 Days of Gratitude Returns.  This is such a great project, which is why I did a return version.  Nothing better than starting the day with Gratitude !!!
Just my opinion of course ;-)

I would be remiss if I did not say how Grateful I am for the rain........we need it!!!!!!!! :)

Thursday, November 29, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 358

I am Grateful for starting the week off with better eating, exercise and sleeping :-)

Monday, November 26, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 356

I am Grateful for cool temps, birds chirping, sounds of the fountain and the hum of life in the background :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 355

Wow!  10 days until 365.........the time goes fast!  There is so much to be grateful for!!! Today I am Grateful for another wonderful day with mom, dog and husband.  It started with a run in the country, followed by a fantastic lunch in the village and walking around after. We then went home after a beautiful drive and had some general relaxation in the front yard ....... perfect day........ bonus was when walking around the village we found the perfect little stool with a tourquise seat for my bathroom and my mom surprised me and bought it as a belated birthday gift :). It is exactly what I what I had imagined in my mind for that spot.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Retuns Day 354

I am Grateful for a beautiful drive up the coast.  Wonderful lunch at Moostone Beach with Mom, Husband and Pup :)

Friday, November 23, 2018

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 351

I am Grateful for a terrific day in which I got to see a lot of peeps I had not seen in awhile and catch up.  What a great pre day Thanksgiving:)

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 350

Only 15 more days to go to complete the full year of Gratitudes.......this one has gone FAST!  I am Grateful for the gift of some time yesterday for healing and reflecting ......  also the cool weather :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Friday, November 9, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 339

I am Grateful for this beautiful morning and that my husbands meeting this am cancelled :)

Monday, November 5, 2018

Saturday, November 3, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 333

I am Grateful for a fun evening with friends and the beautiful mairmomf in Santa Barbara:-)

Friday, November 2, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 332

I am Grateful for the beautiful cool am with the cacophony of birds chirping, the owl hooting and the silhouette of the mountains in the backdrop while the sun is just trickling in behind with a maginificent orange hue.

Bonus was an impromptu phone call with my Aunt :)

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Friday, October 26, 2018

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 322

I am Grateful for a most excellent nights sleep, an early am of quiet and coffee :)

Monday, October 22, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 321

I am Grateful for cooler temps :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 320

I am Grateful for a cool am and a relaxing day catching up, the chirping hummingbirds in the background and being able to just chill and enjoy the moment:)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 319

I am Grateful for an awesome event last night!!! All the peeps who showed up to support the Birthday Gig, Husband for supporting and finding an awesome videographer, the band for letting me live out this dream and that everyone seemed to have a great time as was my wish :)

Saturday, October 20, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 318

I am Grateful for a wonderful week. I am Grateful for all the peeps who donated to my B Day LA Homeless Shelter Fundraiser.........I am Grateful that my very weird dreams were just dreams and I am hoping to be Greatful to post tomorrow that tonight’s Gig will be Epic and everyone enjoyed themselves, had a great time and we pulled off a great and successful show and are asked to return :-)

Friday, October 19, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 317

I am so Grateful to God for all the wonderful people in my life :). What a spectacular birthday!!! Awesome am coffee and Happy B Days with husband and dog :)  All sorts of peeps came out of the woodwork to wish me a Happy B-Day, got to do an impromptu lunch wiht my sister and then an awesome practice with the band where Alisia brought cupcakes and a bit of some Cab, Nancy showed to sing as well and the band was on fire :):):)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 316

I am Grateful for a clean pup :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 315

I am Grateful to be getting back in a grove and for an awesome band practice :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 314

I sm Grateful for a soft re entry :)

Monday, October 15, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 313

I am Grateful we made it home safely from the taxi drive home last night otherwise known as Mr. Toads wild ride.....we were both reminded yet again why we don’t take taxi’s.
I am super Grateful to be reunited with our pup :)

Sunday, October 14, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 312

I am Grateful for the wonderful surprise B Day party last night with lobsters, crab, cake and most of all family :)
I am also Grateful for the contributions of freinds to my B Day fundraiser for the L.A. Mission :)

Saturday, October 13, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 311

I am Grateful we got in some good visiting time yesterday followed by a good nights sleep :)

Monday, October 8, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 306

I am Grateful that I got to be at our nephews wedding..filled with wonderful people, amazing speeches, incredibly written vows, top notch officiating and lots of love:) The bonus is now I am sitting on the porch listening to birds, staring at beautiful trees drinking my coffee :):):)

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Friday, October 5, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 303

I am Grateful for all of the people that were particularly nice and thoughtful to me on a day I much needed it :)

Thursday, October 4, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 302

I am Grateful for the beautiful drive home.......the clouds in the sky paired with the skyline was epic :)

Thursday, September 27, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 295

I am Grateful our big dinner went very well. I am Grateful me, pup and husband have time for a quick cup of coffee before heading out for the day :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 294

I am Grateful that I was able to get out and about to see some people, help some people and then get the rest of what I needed to do done before my dinner :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 293

I am Grateful for a little R and R at night and some peaceful nights sleep :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 292

I am Grateful for a fun day yesterday in Belmont Shores :)

Sunday, September 23, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 291

I am Grateful we have a grocery store so close that I was able to pop down and get some breakfast makings.  The store was not crowded and the people were all very nice :) I am Grateful we are now relaxing outsied relaxing and drinking our coffee :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 290

I am Grateful that I got some sleep last night and am feeling better. I am Grateful I can stay home and rest today :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 289

I am Grateful that this big day with lots of acitivities turned out well and has now come to an end because I am tired :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 287

I am Grateful I did not have to rush off this am.  I am equally Graetful that yesterday (despite many moving parts) came off beautifully and everyone was happy with the outcome :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 286

I am Grateful to have a minute for some am coffee, watching the dog in the backyard and setting to breathe before heading off for a long day :)

Monday, September 17, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 285

I am Grateful we all got to spend the day together in Malibu :). I am Grateful to be alive after being pummeled by the waves. I am Grateful my husband and hound were there to see me to safety :):):)

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 280

I am Grateful I was able to take a few minutes this am to catch up on some important gratitudes :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 279

I am Grateful we had a safe return home and that things didn’t get too chaotic yet :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 278

I am Grateful for a relaxing am, we got to book earlier flights so we would make it in time to pick up the dog.........being reunited with the pup :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 278

I am Grateful that we found Gardner Village to go have dinner at.  Fun time, cute village.......great comfort food at Archibald’s ;)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 277

I am Grateful my husband safely finished the marathon and that I could be here for support :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 276

I am Grateful that so much was accomplished today and it was a fun day. Also always Grateful when i can make it to the airport on time :)

Thursday, September 6, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 275

I am Grateful to get an early jumpstart on the day. A good nights rest...pleasant dreams of Mr. Felix and a bird :)

365 Day of Gratitude Returns Day 274

I am Grateful for a good day..had my sidekick back, great time with my surgeons, nice patients, learned more about a new modality and got to bring home some yummy soup for dinner :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 273

I am Grateful I was finally able to fall asleep and the they were only bad dreams :)

Monday, September 3, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 271

I am Grateful that we got to sleep in, have coffee on the patio.....and for the nice cool temps!  Hopefully some oatmeal cookie making later after my am run :)

365 days of Gratitude Returns Day 270

I am Grateful for an epic time at the “Porsche Driving Experince Center”!  How much fun, fast driving, learning to spin out, going over the kick plate, fast straight away.....Good times!!! :)

Saturday, September 1, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 269

I am Grateful that it is a long weekend and that I have just finished up a lot of work stuff so that I can enjoy what the weekend has in store :)

Friday, August 31, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 268

I am Grateful to the person that forgot their goggles at the pool so I could borrow them as I forgot mine :).........Kismit

Thursday, August 30, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 267

I am Grateful I was fianally able to get my TB test updated and it is all clear and get my boosters...check off my list o things :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 266

I am Grateful for a very productive day, new opportunities, new prospects followed by a yummy dinner at home with husband, dog and a movie .... Stripes.....oldie but a goodie!!!

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 265

I am Grateful I got to catch up with an old friend and wish her a Happy Birthday :)

Monday, August 27, 2018

365 Day of Gratitude Returns Day 264

I am Grateful I was able to bike 13 and then swim for 40. We got to get some yummy breakfast, fruit snack later and had a great dinner at the marina :)

Sunday, August 26, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 293

I am Grateful that we finally were able to get “Chuck the Gardener” out to fix the sprinklers.... then we had a nice dinner at home outside on the lawn :)

Saturday, August 25, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 292

I am Grateful for a peaceful morning with cool temps, the cascading sounds of the fountain, yummy coffee and catching up on my Gratitudes :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 291

I am Grateful it is Friday :). Got quite a bit accomplished today and got to go to Sushi dinner to top it off :)

365b Days of Gratitude Returns Day 290

I am Grateful for a new, smart energetic co worker that is not afraid to work and learn :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 289

I am Grateful that it is Wednesday :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 288

I am Grateful for Band Practice tonight :)

Saturday, August 18, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 285

I am Grateful I was able to book the gig in October and my Society 6 Doggslife store is “open for business” :)

Friday, August 17, 2018

Sunday, August 12, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 279

I am Graetful we got to spend some time with my mom and family. We got to hang out and celebrate some birthdays :)

Saturday, August 11, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 278

I am Grateful to have been able to have the motivation lately to get things organized......It makes life easier, simpler, less complicated, overwhelming and reduces anxiety :)

Thursday, August 9, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Day 276

I am Grateful for plumbers :). Finally was able to get one here to clear up the shower drain :):):)

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 275

I am Grateful for being able to spend the day with some of my favorite people with limited interruptions and topping it off with a very nice, quiet dinner outside with husband and dog and a glass of vino and some great conversation :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 274

I am Grateful for all the unplanned twists and turns yesterday took and the patience and mindset to go with the flow.......what a great day.......accomplished a ton and got a bonus impromptu lunch at Echo Park. It is a place I have been wanting to visit for quite some time and fate literally drove me there. It was a rare treat to actually stop and eat at the cafe there there rather than in my car. It was only a twenty minute lunch but felt like a little vacation :)

Monday, August 6, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 273

I am Grateful for a weekend at home.....lots of cleaning, organizing and movie at home last night with the fam :). Bonus early am shower and missed traffic :)

Sunday, August 5, 2018

366 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 272

I am Grateful I moved forward with operation garage clean so much more accomplished than I thought. There is still a ways to go however a lot of progress has been made :)

Saturday, August 4, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 271

I am very Grateful it is Saturday and I got to sleep about 12 hours ..... I was so tired :)

365 Days of Gratitude Day Returns Day 270

I am Grateful it is Friday.....I got to talk to my sister yesterday and I got to see a lot of people I wanted to catch up with at work :)

Thursday, August 2, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 269

I am Grateful for a good day and getting to catch up with some Gratitudes :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 268

I am Grateful that the big days of cases and visiting physicians went terrific!

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 267

I am Grateful that we got to hang out in McMinnville, see the sights, have a great dinner, walk around and have coffee and go see the air museum ;)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 266

I am Grateful for the great time we all had today tripping around Portland, meeting new peeps and walking around the city with lots of laughter :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 265

I am Grateful for a very fun Sunday in Portland with my friends ;)

Saturday, July 28, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 264

o am Grateful for the early sounds of am chirping, time with my pup and my husband ran a  3:38 Marathon today!!!:):):)

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 260

I am Grateful we got to go for an early am walk with the dog...this had even more of an impact due to some things that are happening at this time of which my prayers go out

Monday, July 23, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 259

I am Grateful we got to go to Hollywood U2 concerts in the park last night.  They were terrific and it was a great venue :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 258

I am Grateful that I was able to go swimming today :)

Saturday, July 21, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 257

I am Grateful for an early am wake up ..... got to do some housecleaning, some organizing and some art fulfillment :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 256

I am Grateful for being able to accomplish so much today, while having some fun and helping some people and putting out some fires along the way.......couldn’t have done it without some great teamwork though :)

Thursday, July 19, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 255

I am Grateful for this cool am morning........the birds are chirping, the fountain is running, the dog has eaten and ran around and I am enjoying my am coffee (all of that and it is only 5:34 am ) :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 254

I am Gratefulfor a long day that went better than planned with some unexpected catch up time.  Got in a bonus swim at the end of the day that started a little dicey but finished get it??? Swimmingly :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 253

I am Grateful the last two days I was able to catch up with some friends on the phone and in the office and learn about how they are doing and some of their life changing good stuff :)

Monday, July 16, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 252

I am Grateful that I had enough energy at the end of the day to go for a run by the ocean along the cliffs.  Got some bonus photos as well :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 251

I am Grateful that I prioritized swimming today.  It was both mentally and physically invigorating.  Got to go out to a very nice early dinner by the harbor after :)

Saturday, July 14, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 250

I am Grateful for a quiet Saturday morning filled with hummingbirds, the fountain trickling, a gentle breeze and some treasured shade from the umbrellas :)

Friday, July 13, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 249

I am Grateful that I went to sleep early and am up early getting a chance to catch up on my Gratitudes :). The weather is cool, I am outside, thanks to a lot of prayer and Gratitude my perspective is getting back on track :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 248

I am Grateful that I got to get some much needed sleeep after a 15 hour day. Got to walk up early and have coffee with my husband and chat before starting a new day :)
Bonus is that coffee time was in the backyard :-)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 247

I am Grateful that after a very challenging day I had the great surprise to run into my friend Kim who is back from school for a couple of months. We got to sit down, catch up, ignore our cell phones and just be in the moment :)

Thursday, July 5, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 240

I Am Grateful that we worked together as a team and got everything accomplished to have a successful party :-) We had a great group of people that we got to spend the 4th with :):):)

Sunday, July 1, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 237

I am Grateful for the beautiful day and weather. I am Grateful to spend time with my mom, dog and husband :)

Saturday, June 30, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 236

I am Grateful we get to see my mom and pup today :):):)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 235

I am Grateful for the day! Everything fell into place..we helped lots of peeps and then I got to do bonus sushi dinner and had the whole crew to visit with :-)

Thursday, June 28, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 234

I am Grateful for visions aligning and being achieved. I am very Grateful for the amazing clients that have become true business partners and even better ...  people I would consider friends :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 233

I am Grateful for the Nurse today who offered me Motrin when she saw I was in discomfort  :) Bonus was coming home and seeing two little fat feathered birds playing  in the fountain :):)):

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 232

I am Grateful my first day back I was able to have some work/life balance. Bonus am, coffee in the backyard with husband and birds :)

Monday, June 25, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 231

I am Grateful for all the birds chirping :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 230

I am Grateful I got some time for a mini staycay yesterday in which I got to look at beautiful scenery, eat some delicious mushrooms, read and draw. Bonus, got to check out concerts in the park and then dinner with friends :)

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 225

I am Grateful we had a fun night in Philly, stopped by Jimmys Cheesesteaks and stayed in a very cool apartment on Curch Street, then fun drive and lunch off Chesapeake Bay :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 224

I am Grateful we got to spend our anniversary dinner at Dinardos in Philly ...ciccumstantially on the night the restaurant was closing for good :(
How crazy that we happened to be there that night. So happy I got to experience it :)

Sunday, June 17, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 223

I am Grateful I got to walk barefoot in the grass hand in hand with my Huband :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 222

I am Grateful we got to attend a beautiful wedding back East followed by a wonderful reception at one of Mark Twain’s old homes :)

Friday, June 15, 2018

Thursday, June 14, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 220

I am Grateful for this cool June Morning, listening to the birds chirping, the quiet calm while drinking my am coffee:):):)

Sunday, June 10, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 216

I am Grateful we pulled off a  very busy and impactful week :-)

366 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 215

I am Grateful we got to go to a local restaurant and have a nice, quiet and early dinner :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 214

I am Grateful for being able to make the best out of things today and having a meaningful day :)

Thursday, June 7, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 213

I am Grateful for Inspirational reads like that of John O Leary called “Fire” :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 212

I am Grateful for so many great interactions many unexpected people I got to sit, catch up with and have meaningful conversations:-)

Sunday, June 3, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 209

I am Grateful that I was able to get some this organized this am for tomorrow’s big event :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 208

I am Grateful to have learned more today and had all my peeps engaged and present :)

Thursday, May 31, 2018

365 Daysvof Gratitude Returns Day 206

I am Grateful I got to spend some time with my sister and brother in law last night and the dogs got in some play time :)

Thursday, May 24, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 199

I am Grateful that I slept much better and knock on wood that my back is feeling better :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 198

I am Grateful that we helped 6 plus people this week, some great interactions today and the caring people who help me :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 197

I am Grateful for Apple Music and being able to listen to all the music I want with reckless abondon :)

Monday, May 21, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 196

I am Grateful for the wonderful day yesterday filled with relaxation, reading, workout and then massive closet clean that yielded a hefty bag full The for Ilumination Foundation. I am also Grateful for this misty morning :)

Sunday, May 20, 2018

366 Days of Gratitude Return Day 195

I am Grateful for a Relaxing Sunday:):):) slept in until 8, read National Geo, hangin with the pup in  PJ’s (me in PJ’s not the pup) next up will be a Run:)

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Friday, May 11, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 185

I am Grateful for a successful, efficient well planned day with great interactions:)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 184

I am Grateful I got to take my dog for a walk after work and do some general cleaning :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 183

I am Grateful that I had some great people interactions yesterday, positive patient interactions and that I got to end the day with a swim and healthy dinner :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 182

Can you believe we are at the half yearly mark of 365 Days of Gratitude Returns!
As we all fast time flies away....hence the reason to count your blessings and gratitudes :)

Today I am Grateful for an early am to allow me a little extra time to drink coffee outside and listen to the birds, the fountain and watch the dog run around the yard :):):).
I am also very Grateful to have my healthy, plant based food delivery back! I always feel so much better with a proper eating plan especially when things are so busy and it is hard to have a regular workout regimen.

If any of you are reading....what are you Grateful for???

Monday, May 7, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 181

I am Grateful our pup seems to be recovered from a long, hot day yesterday. All and All a fun day and we got to decompress a bit :)

Sunday, May 6, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 180

Today I am Grateful for many luggage arrived last night when I had to unintendidly check my luggage :( arrived though :) I got to watch two great movies that lift the soul and spirit and remind you of how incredible people can be (Breathe and Gifted) I highly recommend
and now we are in our way for a great adventure :)

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Friday, May 4, 2018

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Friday, April 27, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 171

I am Grateful for a beautiful visit to Vancouver. Great weather, unexpected hotel upgrade, got to see a lot of great peeps:)

Sunday, April 22, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 165

I am Grateful I got to sing with the Red 11’s last night and for all of the peeps who came to support :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 161

I am Grateful to have woken up with a peaceful heart and to have caught up on some things both personally and professionally:)

Sunday, April 15, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 159

I am Grateful for my four legged, furry friend sitting next to me as I type this :)

Thursday, April 12, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 156

I am Grateful I got to take a cat nap yesterday which really helped make the rest of the day productive :-)

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 153

I am Grateful I was able to make it to the meeting and see some great peeps and contribute in a positive way and have the energy to drive back :)

375 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 152

I am Grateful when I make better decisions :)

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Thursday, April 5, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 148

I am Grateful for the social media platforms we have to help move things in a postitive direction :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 147

I am Grateful to all the peeps who have donated or shared the post to donate to Illuminaiton Foundation to help end homelessness :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Monday, April 2, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 145

I am Grateful for a relaxing Easter Weekend that included healthy eating, dog walks, workouts and family time :)

Saturday, March 31, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 143

I am Grateful for a good nights sleep and the return of my green drink holder :)

Monday, March 26, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 138

I am Grateful when I can practice one of my favorite prayers :

Worry Prayer
Philippians 4:6

"Don't worry about anything. Instead pray about everything. Tell god about what you need and thank Him for all He has done"

Sunday, March 25, 2018

366 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 137

I am Grateful for our impromptu nighttime dog walk. A beautiful night and I got to stop and smell the roses :)

Monday, March 19, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 130

I am Grateful for the Illumination Foundation and it’s incredible platform and work to help end homelessness.  I am Grateful we were able to attend and event to see and learn all that they are doing :)

Sunday, March 18, 2018

366 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 129

I am Grateful for an early am of playing with the pup :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 128

I am Grateful that I stuck with the plan and got my tax info prepared:) I am Grateful for an easy going St. Patty’s Day :)

Thursday, March 8, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 119

I am Grateful I came across this saying today :

Ego says, ‘Once everything falls into place, I’ll feel peace.’ Spirit says, ‘Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place.’” ~Marianne Williamson

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 117

I am Grateful that I got to run today and do some quick Pilates . I am very Grateful that God looked out for us :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 116

I am Grateful that things went smoothly and we got a lot accomplished and that we helped quite a few peeps :)

Sunday, March 4, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 115

I am Grateful that I was able to have dinner with my friends last night :):):) bonus, I got to sleep in this am :)

Thursday, March 1, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 112

I am Grateful I got to drive to one place yesterday and maximize my time there :-)

Sunday, February 25, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 108

I am Grateful we did an early dinner at home and I get to have a slow start today :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 107

I am Grateful I got to touch base with some great peeps, learn some new info and attend my friends baby shower :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 106

I am Grateful that I got to meet with and work with some nice people :)

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Sunday, February 18, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 101

I am Grateful for a terrific day yesterday..relax, run, pilates, at trip with husband that included lunch, pedicure, walk to the pier and early night sleep :)

Saturday, February 17, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 100

Wow,  Day 100 already :-) I am Grateful to be here to Gratitude and I am Grateful I did not have to go in to work today:)

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Monday, February 12, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 94

I am Grateful to be reunited with husband, dog and our resident humming bird, Henry :)

Sunday, February 11, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 93

I am Grateful to be able to catch up on my Gratitudes and work with some great people :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 92

I am Grateful I chose to come back early and get to bed early :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 91

I am Grateful I decided to go to the networking event .  It was inspiring and fun :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 90

I am Grateful that I decided to go to dinner and have a decomposing, wonderful time instead of going home and doing more work :)

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 88

I am Grateful I was able to sleep with a peaceful heart and relaxed mindset last night :0

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Sunday, January 28, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 79

I am Grateful for a relaxing yet productive day yesterday :-) Bonus Gratitude is for the cute hummingbird solar wind chimes I found on Amazon !!!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 72

I am Grateful that God yet again worked his magic which enabled us to have a great sushi dinner with our friends :-)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 71

I am Grateful we decided to stay home last night and turn in early .... Got to wake up bright and early and take the dog for a walk about to be followed by an early am run in the beatutiful crisp, cool temps :-):-);-)

Friday, January 19, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 70

I am Grateful I got to take 5 minutes to eat lunch, sit outside and look at the beautiful succulents :-)

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Sunday, January 14, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 65

I am Grateful for haveing a better day.  For my swim, not having to hustle around because of so far good time management and planning :-) But of course for God for nothing happens without Him :-)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 64

I am Grateful I got to lay low with relatively no disturbances:-)

Friday, January 12, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Day 63

I am Grateful for the yummy coffee this am at the Marketplace downstairs, even umpire fresh Green drink and my little am walk about in the fresh air :-)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 62

I am Grateful I was able to get to the airport with plenty of time. bonus Gratitude the V’Dara in Vegas is very peaceful with ZERO smoking and no Casino and cool apartment style rooms :-)

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Saturday, January 6, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 57

I am Grateful it is Saturday:-). Having some early am coffee with the quiet calm and the fountain running in the background :-);-);-)

Friday, January 5, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 56

I am Grateful for the following quote I just read to help when I feel overwhelmed :

Ego says, ‘Once everything falls into place, I’ll feel peace.’ Spirit says, ‘Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place.’” ~Marianne Williamson

Thursday, January 4, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 55

I am Grateful I got to go stock car racing and came out unharmed :-) What a humbling experience that is a great lesson in trust and listening and testing your limits!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 54

I am Grateful when my ❤️  beats peacefully and for this beautiful sunrise 🌅

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 53

I am Grateful that we got a bonus visit from Henry our resident hummingbird that drinks from the fountain, the blades of grass that are finally poping up, and we found something we thought was lost :-)

Monday, January 1, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 52

I am Grateful for a wonderful New Years dinner.......followed by a relaxing New Year's Day filled with healthy food and am am dog walk :)