Thursday, May 31, 2018

365 Daysvof Gratitude Returns Day 206

I am Grateful I got to spend some time with my sister and brother in law last night and the dogs got in some play time :)

Thursday, May 24, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 199

I am Grateful that I slept much better and knock on wood that my back is feeling better :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 198

I am Grateful that we helped 6 plus people this week, some great interactions today and the caring people who help me :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 197

I am Grateful for Apple Music and being able to listen to all the music I want with reckless abondon :)

Monday, May 21, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 196

I am Grateful for the wonderful day yesterday filled with relaxation, reading, workout and then massive closet clean that yielded a hefty bag full The for Ilumination Foundation. I am also Grateful for this misty morning :)

Sunday, May 20, 2018

366 Days of Gratitude Return Day 195

I am Grateful for a Relaxing Sunday:):):) slept in until 8, read National Geo, hangin with the pup in  PJ’s (me in PJ’s not the pup) next up will be a Run:)

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Friday, May 11, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 185

I am Grateful for a successful, efficient well planned day with great interactions:)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 184

I am Grateful I got to take my dog for a walk after work and do some general cleaning :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 183

I am Grateful that I had some great people interactions yesterday, positive patient interactions and that I got to end the day with a swim and healthy dinner :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 182

Can you believe we are at the half yearly mark of 365 Days of Gratitude Returns!
As we all fast time flies away....hence the reason to count your blessings and gratitudes :)

Today I am Grateful for an early am to allow me a little extra time to drink coffee outside and listen to the birds, the fountain and watch the dog run around the yard :):):).
I am also very Grateful to have my healthy, plant based food delivery back! I always feel so much better with a proper eating plan especially when things are so busy and it is hard to have a regular workout regimen.

If any of you are reading....what are you Grateful for???

Monday, May 7, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 181

I am Grateful our pup seems to be recovered from a long, hot day yesterday. All and All a fun day and we got to decompress a bit :)

Sunday, May 6, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 180

Today I am Grateful for many luggage arrived last night when I had to unintendidly check my luggage :( arrived though :) I got to watch two great movies that lift the soul and spirit and remind you of how incredible people can be (Breathe and Gifted) I highly recommend
and now we are in our way for a great adventure :)

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Friday, May 4, 2018