Thursday, September 27, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 295

I am Grateful our big dinner went very well. I am Grateful me, pup and husband have time for a quick cup of coffee before heading out for the day :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 294

I am Grateful that I was able to get out and about to see some people, help some people and then get the rest of what I needed to do done before my dinner :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 293

I am Grateful for a little R and R at night and some peaceful nights sleep :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 292

I am Grateful for a fun day yesterday in Belmont Shores :)

Sunday, September 23, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 291

I am Grateful we have a grocery store so close that I was able to pop down and get some breakfast makings.  The store was not crowded and the people were all very nice :) I am Grateful we are now relaxing outsied relaxing and drinking our coffee :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 290

I am Grateful that I got some sleep last night and am feeling better. I am Grateful I can stay home and rest today :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 289

I am Grateful that this big day with lots of acitivities turned out well and has now come to an end because I am tired :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 287

I am Grateful I did not have to rush off this am.  I am equally Graetful that yesterday (despite many moving parts) came off beautifully and everyone was happy with the outcome :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 286

I am Grateful to have a minute for some am coffee, watching the dog in the backyard and setting to breathe before heading off for a long day :)

Monday, September 17, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 285

I am Grateful we all got to spend the day together in Malibu :). I am Grateful to be alive after being pummeled by the waves. I am Grateful my husband and hound were there to see me to safety :):):)

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 280

I am Grateful I was able to take a few minutes this am to catch up on some important gratitudes :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 279

I am Grateful we had a safe return home and that things didn’t get too chaotic yet :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 278

I am Grateful for a relaxing am, we got to book earlier flights so we would make it in time to pick up the dog.........being reunited with the pup :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 278

I am Grateful that we found Gardner Village to go have dinner at.  Fun time, cute village.......great comfort food at Archibald’s ;)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 277

I am Grateful my husband safely finished the marathon and that I could be here for support :)

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 276

I am Grateful that so much was accomplished today and it was a fun day. Also always Grateful when i can make it to the airport on time :)

Thursday, September 6, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 275

I am Grateful to get an early jumpstart on the day. A good nights rest...pleasant dreams of Mr. Felix and a bird :)

365 Day of Gratitude Returns Day 274

I am Grateful for a good day..had my sidekick back, great time with my surgeons, nice patients, learned more about a new modality and got to bring home some yummy soup for dinner :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 273

I am Grateful I was finally able to fall asleep and the they were only bad dreams :)

Monday, September 3, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 271

I am Grateful that we got to sleep in, have coffee on the patio.....and for the nice cool temps!  Hopefully some oatmeal cookie making later after my am run :)

365 days of Gratitude Returns Day 270

I am Grateful for an epic time at the “Porsche Driving Experince Center”!  How much fun, fast driving, learning to spin out, going over the kick plate, fast straight away.....Good times!!! :)

Saturday, September 1, 2018

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 269

I am Grateful that it is a long weekend and that I have just finished up a lot of work stuff so that I can enjoy what the weekend has in store :)