Wednesday, December 31, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 178

Here it is, New Years Eve!  A lot has occurred since my last blog.........Many life changes including surgery.  I am grateful that the surgery went very well.  I was terrified of doing it having never had surgery before and this was a big one.  I am grateful that recovery is going well (slow but well).
I am grateful to my family and friends for being such a great support system and being there every step of the way......I couldn't have done it without them.
I am grateful for the little snippets of normalcy that I have been granted over the last two months as most days I wake up and know that everything is upside down right now. I trust in God and know that all will end up how it is suppose to and there are great things on the other side of this turmoil.  As with surgical healing, I have to be patient with the process.
I have a lot of time to think, recover, ponder and assess.......that is good and bad :-)
I know that if you have family and friends, good health, food, a safe environment, a roof over your head with a warm bed to sleep are one of the lucky ones and have much to be grateful for.....I know I do.

I wish you all the happiest of New Years and all the wonderful blessings life can bring you for a wonderfully enriched 2015!!!

A Warm Bed :-)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 177

I am grateful for the super pleasant, relaxing and peaceful lunch spot that happened upon me yesterday! I got to have the outside dining all to myself with a terrific view, breeze and yummy steamed veggies with great hospitality.  Thanks to Park Pantry

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 176

I am grateful I got to meet and chat with an airman that served three tours in Iraq and was so pleasant and kind and puts the little things into perspective!

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 175

How fast time flies. Things have been a little hectic.  I am grateful to get back to gratituding :) I am grateful we reached and surpassed our goal. I am grateful that I got to do some riding and ocean swimming over the weekend. I am grateful that I have some great peeps I work with and got to see them over the weekend :):):)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Friday, September 19, 2014

Thursday, September 18, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 168

I am grateful that I have my mom to talk to :):):)

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 167

I am grateful we got to break away from the heat last night and get into some cool A/C, eat some yummy sushi and watch a little baseball :):):)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 166

I am grateful for my vision board :):):)

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 165

I am grateful for access to air-conditioning  :):):)

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 164

I am grateful we got to go for an awesome ride and swim to follow with the icing on the cake being 2014 Lobsterfest!!!! Lots of fun, great exercise, music (Teri Nunn/Berlin) combined with delicious Lobster :):):)

Saturday, September 13, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 163

I am grateful that I got to spend some quality time with my BFF last night :):):)

Friday, September 12, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 162

I am grateful for these cute, little, vivacious hummingbirds that fly outside my window with am greetings :):):)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 160

I am grateful for a little coffee in the am and a quick game of "Sling Duck" with the dog :)

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 159

I am grateful I got to carve out some early am time to go for a ride :):):) Wow! What a difference the new seat brought back the joy to riding! That is twice now that I have gone for a ride and didn't have to adjust once or even stop for that matter. Should have gotten it a year ago instead of torturing myself and my lady parts. If you ride, check out the "Selle Italia Diva Gel"(on sale at under Triathlon Essentials)  WELL WORTH THE INVESTMENT!

Monday, September 8, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 158

I am grateful that I am posting gratitudes again. I am also grateful I got to stop and smell the plumeria today :):):)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 157

I am grateful I got to go swimming with the girls and for a dinner night at home with husband :-) ;-) ;-)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 156

I am grateful that despite life's little BS's, I know how lucky I/We are :):):)

Put it all in the rearview and look ahead 

Friday, September 5, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 155

I am grateful for slingshot dog toys ....... We got our pup sling duck and she loves it!  That duck flys through the air like no ones business.  It is great for lazy dog owners or maybe ones that don't have the same energy as their can sit in one place and just keep launching it (well, that is of course if the dog brings it back to you)

Look under "Doggslife for your canine companion"

Thursday, September 4, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 154

I am grateful for the internet site I found on how to make my vitamix container look new again :):);)  Works like a charm:

How to Make Your Vitamix Look New Again | The Vedge

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Monday, September 1, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 152

I am in disbelief that it has been since June that I have posted.  The time just keeps rolling by.  Last week I had made a note to myself in the morning to start posting again. I guess I started slacking as I thought, no one is probably reading it anyway......the truth is, I write these for me, if anyone else reads, that is just a bonus!
I did a triathlon a couple weeks ago and was truly in awe when I saw a women in a wheel chair with no use of her legs also participating. To get in the ocean and swim is hard enough with all of ones abilities. Two people helped place her in the ocean for the swim, I was in awe. I couldn't help but think of her the entire race and smile at her incredible strength, courage and resolve.  I don't know this woman, I didn't even get to speak to her but I am grateful for her.
I went to a meeting the following Friday (the morning that I thought I needed to start posting again).  One of the lectures was on the power of gratitude.......what are the chances?
Per Dr. Steven Richeimer, here are three ways to express Gratitude
- Write a Gratitude Letter
- Keep a Gratitude Journal
- At the end of each day, express three things that went well and why

I am grateful we got to spend quality time with Irene while she was here and enjoy this beautiful night:-):

Evening across from "The Queen"

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 151

I am grateful we are celebrating our 9 years of wedded bliss :):):) My husband is even more handsome, smart and funny than the day we met and he always keeps me entertained:):):)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 150

I am grateful for a wonderful trip last weekend with my girls to spectacular Willamette Valley. Great food, fun, peeps and scenery!!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 149

I am grateful I got to sleep in, go run, clean up, walk the dog and do some reading all before 11:30 :):):)

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 148

I am grateful for the cute kids I met at the pool yesterday for reminding me of what life is like through children's eyes (fun, fascinating and full of adventure) :):):)

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 144

I am grateful when people share what they value about each other and don't wait till its too late :):):)

Monday, May 19, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude day 142

I am grateful when you can live in the moment :):):)

Put it all in the Rearview Mirror

Saturday, May 17, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 140

I am grateful for water - let's make sure we all do what we can to conserve it :):):)

Friday, May 16, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 139

 I am grateful for brave people.....they are inspirational, often everyday peeps who face challenges, adversity and injustice valiantly.  Look for the brave peeps in your life and be inspired :):):)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 138

I am grateful for the glorious shade provided by trees :):):)


Banyan Tree Oahu

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 137

I have been very remiss in posting my gratitudes ;( it is not that I am not grateful, it is more that my commitment to posting gets deterred by all of life's goings ons or sheer lack of energy.  Today I will post my gratitude for photography and other creative outlets that always seem to center me and reinvigorate my sense of purpose and well being :):):)

Nevada View from the Sky

When the Cows Come Home
Turtle Beach Sunset

Monday, April 28, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 135

I am grateful for the seemingly now rare times my heart beats normally and my lungs have normal function :):):)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 134

I am grateful that we got to have a great b day celebration last night for my husband;););)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 133

I am grateful for my lunch appointment today ;););) We very well may get the opportunity to change more lives for the better.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 132

I am grateful when I can tune out the distractions and concentrate on the moment :):):)

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 128

I am grateful that after a tedious day we went to have a wonderful dinner at Neil's. Yummy Italian food. Pasta with Shrimp and Spicy sauce and Lobster Stuffed Ravioli -- Yum! Great way to celebrate the end of tax day. We are also very grateful that our friend that was critically injured last year at the Boston Marathon has had a miraculous recovery.  It is hard to believe it was a year ago that my gratitude was that we did not get hurt when we were there -- it seems so long ago yet we remember it like it was yesterday. We are grateful that this year was a celebration and not a tragedy.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 127

I am grateful that our dog is feeling so much better :):):)  I am grateful that she had her collar on when she ran off the other night, that our neighbor found her and that our other neighbors helped us find her :):):)

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 126

I am grateful that my husband had the house all clean and groceries bought when I came home from my business trip :):):)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover Day 125

If you are following, you have seen that there have not been posts for three weeks :(   A lot has been going on and I was having a very hard time finding my gratitude, let alone posting it.
Friday night, I think I hit bottom of my state of sadness, confusion and general sense of frustration with the way things had been going.  I woke up at 3 am and prayed to get back to a state of gratitude and for God to guide me in the path that he thinks is best for me while here.
He knows that I know I have so much to be grateful for everyday; and that I know I am so fortunate to have the people, opportunities, a roof over my head, utilities, etc.-- which actually makes me feel worse when I feel so down as I know I have nothing to complain about.
That being said, when I finally went back to sleep at around 5am, I woke up at 6am and for the first time in weeks, I had a sense of peace.  Nothing had changed with my circumstances that were making me at such unrest, yet I was peaceful.

I am so very grateful to God to have that sense of calm inside of me.  I know that I can do so much more for everyone else when I am of a calm, centered, peaceful at heart -- for that, I am grateful.

If you are following and would like to share, please let us know what you are grateful for :):):)

Calming Hills Northern CA

Saturday, March 22, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 124

I am grateful for the little bird that I got to watch drink out of the fountain :):):)

Friday, March 21, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 123

I am grateful I successfully fixed the sprinklers so they no longer spray all over the car :):):)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 122

I am grateful I got to walk my dog last night :):):)

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 121

I am grateful for my new trail running shoes - I took almost two minutes off my time. They are comfy, with great surface area and support so you can run like the wind! under triathlon essentials :):):)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Saturday, February 15, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 91

I am grateful I had all the ingredients to make yummy cannelli bean soup ;););)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 89

I am grateful that even though I was tired tonight, I went swimming anyway :):):)

Monday, February 10, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 86

I am grateful that I got some serious quality me time this weekend and got a ton of stuff done :):):)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Saturday, February 8, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 84

I am grateful I have the whole day cleared to go through the closets and find great stuff to give to the Salvation Army :):):)

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 83

I am grateful I am finally getting caught up after being out of town so much :):):)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 81

I am grateful I was finally able to get my hair done tonight :):):) The dark roots were really adding up!

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 80

I am grateful we got to watch a movie tonight :):):) The movie was "Rush"...... It was great!

Monday, February 3, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 79

I am grateful that all of the gang was able to get together yesterday :):):)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollovr day 78

I am grateful that we made it home in time to pick up our dog and that I am finished up with the trip circut for awhile :):);)

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 77

I am grateful I got to see and spend time with so many of my fantastic cutomers :););)

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 76

I am grateful for this great view from my hotel :););)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 72

I am grateful that a very complicated case today went very well, the outcome was a great one and my new boss had my back :):):)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 67

I am grateful I got to swim tonight. I had the whole pool to myself and didn't miss a beat even though I hadn't been for any long swims for at least two weeks ........I even started to breathe bi-laterally :):):)

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 66

I am grateful that I was reunited with my pup :):):)

Monday, January 20, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 65

I am grateful to be home sweet home ..... Even if it is only for a short while :):):)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 63

I am grateful we got to get massages today and I got bonus video from my sis of the dog playing in the backyard. :):):)

Friday, January 17, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 62

I am grateful that my heart did not feel like it was going to explode this am when I went running :):):)

Note to self * no coffee and run while cool

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Monday, January 13, 2014

Sunday, January 12, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 58

I am grateful that today we get to relax a little bit, read the paper and hopefully go for a fun workout somewhere :):);)

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 57

I am  grateful that our garage went from this

to this :):):)
The garage sale went great. Met a lot of terrific people that will enjoy their new stuff.

Friday, January 10, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 56

I am grateful I happened to see my.neighbor today :):):) I haven't seen her forever and she is having a garage sale tomorrow so we are going to join in......should be great fun:):):)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 55

I am grateful that I was able to rearrange my schedule to help out yesterday -- we had an awesome outcome and I was still able to swing all my other commitments :););)

Bonus Pic of Paris to show my Gratitude :)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 54

I am grateful for coffee :););)

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 53

I am grateful that I got to have a long, meaningful, uninterrupted phone call with both my Mother and Sister (there were a few tedious interruptions on this call:().
Loved ones are so important and I am lucky to have some great ones :):):)

Monday, January 6, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 52

I am grateful that I was able to see some wonderful customers today post holiday and catch up :):):)

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 51

I am grateful I got to celebrate baby Islas's birthday número UNO and see some great friends :):):)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 50

Take to the Safe Center 
I am so grateful we started to make a dent in our operation "get rid of" ..... Reduce, reuse, de-cumulate, give to someone that can do more with it;););).
Every year we accumulate more stuff, more stress and more of a footprint on this tiny universe of ours.

Today we made a commitment and followed through to start parting of our stuff to the appropriate place .......and we washed the dog:):):)

Shreddings and Recyclables

Donate, Sell or Giveaways :)

Friday, January 3, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 49

I am grateful when God walks me through the anxieties, challenges and overwhelmed feelings that can come with life. We have so many blessings to be grateful for and when we let the "to do list" overcome us we can have a hard time enjoying all the wonders of the day and helping others do the same.

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 48

I am grateful for this time of year when just for a few moments (if you are lucky, hours) things, people and expectations slow down.  People stop and reflect on the years achievements, setbacks and overall summation of where they have been and where they want to go for the next year.
It is an ominous thought as to all we have on our plate at times so when we get to take a step back and stop and breath I am grateful for that :):):)

 1st Sunset 1/1/2014

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 47

I am grateful that on this News Years Day 2014 I incorporated two of the lessons from the Los Angeles Environmental Learning Center (ELC).
I filled the sink up with the the soapy water to do the dishes and I brought my reusable shopping bags to the grocery store to buy my green drink ingredients;););)