I am grateful to my family and friends for being such a great support system and being there every step of the way......I couldn't have done it without them.
I am grateful for the little snippets of normalcy that I have been granted over the last two months as most days I wake up and know that everything is upside down right now. I trust in God and know that all will end up how it is suppose to and there are great things on the other side of this turmoil. As with surgical healing, I have to be patient with the process.
I have a lot of time to think, recover, ponder and assess.......that is good and bad :-)
I know that if you have family and friends, good health, food, a safe environment, a roof over your head with a warm bed to sleep in.........you are one of the lucky ones and have much to be grateful for.....I know I do.
I wish you all the happiest of New Years and all the wonderful blessings life can bring you for a wonderfully enriched 2015!!!
A Warm Bed :-) |