Thursday, November 30, 2017

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 20

I am very Grateful I was able to get up early this am and continue getting caught up before I had to leave the house :-)

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Thursday, November 23, 2017

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 13

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

What a great month to have returned to the 365 challenge :-)

I am very Grateful today for many reasons........for the first time in a long time we will all be spending T Day together, this is very exciting!!!

I am truly grateful for all my co workers, clients and patients for allowing me to do what I do everyday :-)

I am extraordinarily grateful for my husband, family and friends for who they are and being a pat of my would not be what it is without them.

I wish all a Happy Thanksgiving and the opportunity to take time for Gratitude

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 12

I am Grateful I was able to do an impromptu pedicure tonight :-)

Tomorrow's the big Gratitude Day...what are you Grateful for?

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 11

I am Grateful we got back safely from our trip. I am Grateful to have really been able to relax and for all the wonderful peeps that helped make that happen!


Monday, November 20, 2017

Sunday, November 19, 2017

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 9

I am Grateful for a fun race in Tequila, Mexico 🇲🇽
A great day with Friends and an excellent post race 🎉 celebration:-)

Friday, November 17, 2017

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 7

Well here we are with the official first week of Gratitude Returns coming to a close. It went fast!  It occurred to me that it is a great month to start up again as we are coming up upon Thanksgiving......the ultimate day of giving Thanks :-)

Today I am Grateful for several things......waking up to the cacophony of birds chirping outside our window, safe and successful travels and the magnificent weather outside.

Anything you are grateful for that you want to share, let us know

Thursday, November 16, 2017

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 6

I am Grateful to have gotten everything done yesterday :-)
And we are on an adventure!!!
And you? What is your Gratitude?

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 5

Today I am Grateful for no delays at my first appointment and all the peeps helping me out.....could not do what we do without it :-):-):-)

What is your Gratitude?

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 4

Good Morning to you :-)

I am Grateful that it is soup season!!!!  I love making soup.  Bonus Gratitude, I asked my husband to brion home an onion for the soup and I got the onion and a bouquet of flowers as a surprise :-):-):-)

What things or thing are you Gratefuel for today?

Monday, November 13, 2017

365 Days Of Gratitude Returns Day 3

Good Morning :-)

I am grateful we turned my work trip yesterday into an impromptu adventure.

We got to take a nice drive down memory lane and then stop for a late lunch.  The lunch service was very slow which normally might have been irratating........where we stopped was in this beautiful Spanish Style Courtyard in Fullerton.

Beautiful views, wonderful cool temps so we just got to relax, take some deep breaths and enjoy the ambiance.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 2

Setting the stage for a great day!  I think we call can agreee the days are much more fullfilling when you start out in a good head space ;-). I find posting my Gratitude is a great way to get there!

I am Grateful for my early am run in the misty fog :-):-):-)

What are you grateful for today?  Please share

Saturday, November 11, 2017

365 Days of Gratitude Returns!

I have decided to do another round of 365 :-).

The world is so busy and frantic and I truly find that when we can stop and think about gratitude it can change your day!

The goal is to take a few minutes and find something of which you are grateful for.  These Gratitudes do not have to be earth shattering or monumental.......just thoughts, attitudes, things, people, animals, nature, whatever.........just find something.

I welcome and encourage any and all of you to take the challenge with me.
If my challenge is accepted, please posts your gratitudes in the reply :-):-):-)

Today my Gratitude is that I have committed to the 365 Day Gratitude Challenge.

Have a great day