Tuesday, April 16, 2013

365 Days of Gratitude day 165

I am grateful that we are home safe and sound. I am grateful for all of the friends and families that checked in to make sure we were ok. I am grateful to work in a field that helps others as it makes me feel a little less helpless. I am grateful that we are able to email and text and call people ASAP to let them know we are ok. 
Our prayers and hearts will continue to go out for those that have been hurt, suffered and sacrificed theirs lives because of their innocence, to help others and because they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. I pray that those responsible for such a hideous, incomprehensible and cowardess act are brought to justice! 
I am grateful to the resilient people, kindness and love that this country continues to show in the face of unbeleivable adversity.
My love, my heart, my prayers to all that have been touched by this tragedy and those who look out for each other.

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