Sunday, April 13, 2014

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover Day 125

If you are following, you have seen that there have not been posts for three weeks :(   A lot has been going on and I was having a very hard time finding my gratitude, let alone posting it.
Friday night, I think I hit bottom of my state of sadness, confusion and general sense of frustration with the way things had been going.  I woke up at 3 am and prayed to get back to a state of gratitude and for God to guide me in the path that he thinks is best for me while here.
He knows that I know I have so much to be grateful for everyday; and that I know I am so fortunate to have the people, opportunities, a roof over my head, utilities, etc.-- which actually makes me feel worse when I feel so down as I know I have nothing to complain about.
That being said, when I finally went back to sleep at around 5am, I woke up at 6am and for the first time in weeks, I had a sense of peace.  Nothing had changed with my circumstances that were making me at such unrest, yet I was peaceful.

I am so very grateful to God to have that sense of calm inside of me.  I know that I can do so much more for everyone else when I am of a calm, centered, peaceful at heart -- for that, I am grateful.

If you are following and would like to share, please let us know what you are grateful for :):):)

Calming Hills Northern CA

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