Saturday, February 28, 2015


Hello Doggslife peeps!

I have been very remiss :( I have been very grateful of many little things, I have been very undisciplined about sharing them. My apologies.  I have decided instead of 365 Days of Gratitude, I will simplify life and just simply state my gratitudes as much as I can :-)

Today I will share that I am grateful for the people that come into our lives, just at the right time (of which sometimes we don't even know it).
They can be friends, acquaintances, family, ect........They can have the ability to change our lives or simply help us enjoy that moment of which we meet.  They can remind us of who we were, who we might want to be again or even perhaps who we don't.  They can teach us lessons and help us ponder and find our way again or remind us, we are right where we need to be :):);)

Thank you

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