Sunday, December 31, 2017

365 Days of Gratitude Returns Day 51

Well today marks the end of 2017!  Tomorrow we enter into the Big 2018!!!
I am Grateful for a terrific year despite lots of turbulence.  I am Grateful for my family, my friends and what I get to do for work and who I get to work with :-)

I saw a friend post this on Facebook and love the message for going into 2018:

If you wronged me, it's all good!!!
If we have a disagreement, you won!!!
If we aren't speaking, it's cool. Be safe and I still wish you well

If you’re talking about me, thanks for the advertisement !!

If you don’t like me, Unfriend me. Don’t carry the hate around! 

If you feel I wronged you, I apologize!

In all things, I forgive you! 

My two most important goals in 2018 is to  be healthy and to make life better for someone else! 
No one is promised tomorrow.
🙏🏽Be Blessed 🙏🏽But Be A Blessing

Happy Holidays to all! You are wonderful and fabulous, don’t let anyone tell you differently.

WIth that I bid you all a wonderful 2018!  Don't forget to let us know what you are Grateful for :-)

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