Monday, December 31, 2012

365 Days of Gratitude day 59 (New Years Eve)

As New Years is a time of reflection for many, I find myself reflecting as well. New Years brings about thoughts of what was, what is and what can be.  I truly am grateful for so many people, places, circumstances and fortunes that have been brought my way.  One year goes incredibly fast but can also bring so much change filled with incredible opportunity and blessings. 2012 has been such an exponential 180 of 2011.  It is the old story of that which does not break us, makes us stronger.  I am confident in saying that although 2011 brought many difficult situations, I would not be the person I am today without them.  2012 brought new beginnings, new people, healthier eating, our little whirling dervish of a dog and most important a healthy and happy family to enjoy life with.
Change can be hard for us humans, however once embraced, it can be beautiful!
I look forward to what excitement that 2013 will bring our way. Happy New Year! :):):):)

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