Thursday, December 5, 2013

365 Days of Gratitude Rollover day 21

I am grateful that I have been able to breathe deeply for the last 2 days :). Not sure if it is allergies or what, however, for the last couple months deep breathes were not in the cards. It feels so great to be able to take a full deep breath, hold it and release fully;););)

Yummy Mushroom Burritos:

Sauté crimini and button mushrooms in a little black truffle oil
Heat up some organic black beans
Warm some whole wheat tortillas on the stovetop

On whole wheat tortilla add

Avocado slices
Sliced green onion

Fold and Eat --- easy, inexpensive, yummy and healthy !!!

(All ingredients can be found @ Trader Joes)

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