Thursday, November 22, 2012

365 Days of Gratitude day 20 - The Big One! Thanksgiving

Well, this is the big one.  The day that you hear from people all over, giving thanks and reflecting on what is important.  This is one of mine and many peoples favorite holiday. This holiday is about family, friends, giving thanks and no pressure.  I am grateful to be alive, healthy, have able body, mind and spirit.  I am grateful that I share this day with my husband, mom, sister, brother-in-law, nephews, aunt, cousins, and friends and of course our dog.  I am grateful for technology to be able to reach out to those that are not here. I would not be where I am today without my family, friends, co-workers, clients and patients -- they all give me the support, opportunity, faith, guidance and perspective that I need to lead a fulfilling life.  I am grateful to be given each and every day to try my best to give back to those that give so much to me.  I thank you God for this day filled with all these blessing........I ask you to please guide me in the path that you see most fit to give back and always strive to be a better human being.

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