Saturday, November 2, 2013

365 Days of Gratitude day 365

Today is it - the big 365!!!! I cant believe it came so fast.  I started this project on a whim as there are so many things to be grateful for, I thought I would write them down. Today I am very fortunate to continue to be grateful for so many things. Moving forward, I enjoyed this so much that I may have to do a 365 rollover:):):)

Here are a couple things I have learned and the highlights:

I have learned that an attitude of gratitude really can make or break your day!  Throughout the year it has always been the non monetary things that I am grateful for --- family, friends, nature, animals, kind people, pushing out of your comfort zone and challenging yourself.

I am grateful for my wonderful husband, family and friends, my new job and my wonderful co-workers, my wonderful clients and patients, safely survivng the Boston Bombing, the beautiful blue skies, oceans and colorful flowers, my fantastic hound, the ability to run, bike, swim and compete in sprint triatholons (hopefully Olympic ones in 2014), I am grateful for my health and that I am here today to share this.

Thank you to anyone who has viewed my gratitudes.

Look around, take it all in :):):). What are you grateful for?

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